Carolin Rekar Munro is the Associate Professor and Intellectual Lead for Leadership and Human Resources in the MBA and B.Com programs for the Faculty of Management at Royal Roads University in British Columbia. She is also an adjunct professor for Central Michigan University's Global Campus, teaching in the MA in Education. She received her Masters' and Doctoral degrees with a focus on developing human resources and leadership from the University of Toronto. She also has a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation from the Human Resources Professionals Association, a Certified Training and Development (CTDP) designation from the Canadian Society for Training and Development, and is certified in values-based leadership from the Barrett Centre, Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory, and Emotional Quotient Inventory. Carolin manages a successful consulting practice, Eye of the Tiger Consulting(, in which she collaborates with leaders on change management, employee engagement, organizational renewal, strategic planning, performance management, developing and sustaining high performing teams, succession management, and leadership development (for aspiring leaders, executives, and the youth community). Carolin has worked with clients in Canada, the U.S., South America, the Caribbean, and parts of Europe. She is also a national and international conference speaker. Since 2008, Carolin's research portfolio has focused on Generation Y. Specifically, she has been investigating the following three key issues: the leadership role and competency profile required by GenY as they move into leadership; the organizational initiatives that need to be in place to identify, develop, and retain GenY talent; and the anticipated changes as leadership roles are filled by GenY, and how these changes can be navigated to ensure a smooth transition in organizational functioning and staff relations. Carolin is currently embarking on a study of how organizations internationally are preparing GenY for leadership roles, the competency profile required of GenY to lead internationally, and the changes GenY plans to make in doing business globally. Her published work includes: the emerging organizational landscape with Generation Y at the helm; developing and sustaining high performance teams; Return on Investment (ROI) from training and development initiatives; leadership models to transition teams from dependence to interdependence; best practices in teaching and learning; wellness management of HR practitioners; transitioning to e-learning environments; bridging multi-generational differences; and the mentoring needs and expectations of Generation Y human resources practitioners. This is Carolin's second book, the first was Management of Human Resources, which is required reading for courses in Human Resources in many Canadian colleges and universities. In the community, Carolin is involved in a number of national and international initiatives. For Education Beyond Borders, she is Chair of the Advisory Board, member of the Strategic Partnership Committee, and member of the facilitation team, who recently returned from Tanzania as part of a leadership development and community education project. As well as this, Carolin serves on the Human Resources Association's Educational Standards Committee and on the National Steering Committee for the Canadian Society for Training and Development.
Carolin R Munro - ebooki
Tytuły autora: Carolin R Munro dostępne w księgarni Helion
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Największą wartością tej książki jest gruntowne poznanie siebie. Od tego momentu możesz już przestać oceniać i osądzać siebie i innych. To skok kwantowy do poziomu spokoju i bezpieczeństwa, a w konsekwencji do wszelkiej obfitości w finansach. Po prostu więcej pieniędzy na koncie, lepsza firma, dobre relacje i zdrowie. Porażka w wychowaniu dzieci i przegrana w biznesie mogą zniszczyć nasze zdrowie i życie. Dowiesz się, jak tego uniknąć. Twoja przewaga nad (nie)świadomą KONKURENCJĄ jest w zasięgu ręki.- Druk
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