Enrique Fernandez Perdomo has a PhD in Computer Engineer from the ULPGC. In his PhD thesis, he investigated path planning algorithms for Autonomous Underwater Gliders, and did an internship at the CIRS/VICOROB research group at the University of Girona. He also worked with ground robots and is currently a senior Robotics Engineer in the Autonomy Team at Clearpath Robotics since 2015. He was a member of the navigation department at PAL Robotics since 2013. He has good programming skills in C++ and Python, and develops wheeled controllers, a tele-operation infrastructure for both the wheeled and biped robots (REEM and REEM-C), SLAM algorithms, laser and visual localization, and autonomous navigation based on the ROS navigation stack. Finally, he worked on the project that develop a low-cost mobile base for high payload and retail applications, which is used on the TiaGo robot. Now at Clearpath Robotics, he works on SLAM and localization algorithms and has participated in the OTTO project.